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Anonymous Sudan Hits Dubai International Airport

Alex Popa

By Alex Popa . 2 December 2023

Cybersecurity Journalist

Miklos Zoltan

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Anonymous Sudan hit the Dubai Airport on December 2nd, following a threat issued by the organization itself, where it tagged UAE as its next target. As a result of the attack, the Dubai Airport’s website was unavailable for some time, but it’s up at the moment of writing this article.

  • Anonymous Sudan announced its intentions of attacking the UAE before the event, but didn’t disclose any details regarding the attack
  • Anonymous Sudan has been active since January this year and has taken responsibility on numerous attacks ever since
  • The organization’s origin and true identity is still under dispute, with unofficial claims suggesting that Anonymous Sudan is the same as Killnet, the (in)famous Russian cyber-threat actor
  • Another theory is that Anonymous Sudan is working with Killnet to cripple the Western financial ecosystem, but this is also unconfirmed

The attack on UAE falls in line with the recent trend of targeting high-profile names throughout the world with a focus on European entities.

The organization’s self-proclaimed interests include paralyzing the European and Western financial institutions, as well as making religious statements.

Anonymous Sudan operates as a pro-Sudan and pro-Islamist organization on paper, but theories abound in relation to the actor’s true identity and motives.

Officially, Anonymous Sudan begun its cyber rampage in January 2023 as a response to journalist Rasmus Paludan, who burned a copy of the Quran on January 21st 2023 in Sweden.

Paludan’s goal was to raise awareness on the fact that Sweden needs to be allowed in NATO and swore to burn another copy of the book in Denmark too.

Tweet showing Anonymous Sudan’s attack on the Dubai International Airport

The group has been planning and executing attacks all over the world with a very diverse approach. Some attacks fell into the ransomware category, while others were only meant to disrupt the victim’s online presence.

In some cases, the organization even stole sensible data to sell it publicly, hoping to damage their victim’s operation, interests, or reputation.

Anonymous Sudan and Its Ties to Russian Hackers

The very first attack, which took place in January of this year, put Anonymous Sudan on the map almost immediately. The organization targeted Sweden and Denmark’s infrastructure, as well as several key local corporations.

Anonymous Sudan’s stated objectives and modus operandi brought them into the interest range of Killnet, the famous Russian hacker group.

This led the latter to add Anonymous Sudan to its hacktivist group with the clear goal of working toward common objectives.

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