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Anonymous Sudan Targets LimeBike

Miklos Zoltan

By Miklos Zoltan . 8 January 2024

Founder - Privacy Affairs

Alex Popa

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Francisco-based transportation company LimeBike fell victim to Anonymous Sudan recently, as the organization posted evidence of its attack on its Telegram channel. This attack is one of many linked to Anonymous Sudan that aims to send a political message.

  • LimeBike (former Lime) didn’t comment on the attack
  • The DDoS attack paralyzed the company’s center of operations and rendered their website unavailable to clients
  • Anonymous Sudan is known to be very aggressive and rely on a multi-layered MO to breach their victims’ defense systems
  • Anonymous Sudan is a self-proclaimed pro-Islamic organization, but many believe there are links between the group and Russia

Anonymous Sudan is among the most aggressive cyber-criminal organizations in play today. This group became public in January of 2023, following a public Quran burning in Sweden.

The organization’s initial statement was that it aims to target any country or institution that opposes Islam or the Sudanese government. Their attack pattern, however, didn’t always aligned with these core principles.

Tweet showing the Anonymous Sudan attack on LimeBike

Ever since its inception, Anonymous Sudan posted primarily in Russian on their telegram channel. This led to the conspiracy theory proposing the possibility that Anonymous Sudan is actually a pro-Russian group.

Presumably, the group would only use the pro-Islamic façade to hide its true identity and motives. While this theory does hold some water, it hasn’t been decisively proven as true.

Who Is Anonymous Sudan and What Are Their Motives?

Anonymous Sudan claims pro-Islamic sentiments, but some have suggested Russian connections. One reason is the group’s predilection towards using the Russian language in their Telegram posts almost exclusively.

The second reason is that Anonymous Sudan switched to Arabic when the rumors came about and began deleting Russian-speaking posts. Then there’s the lack of evidence when it comes to linking Anonymous Sudan to the Islamic world or even Sudan itself.

Plus, Anonymous Sudan is known to often collaborate with Russian hacktivist groups like Killnet to stage larger hits. Despite all of the rumors, Anonymous Sudan’s true identity is yet to be confirmed.

When it comes to choosing their targets, Anonymous Sudan doesn’t shy away from hitting both public and private institutions. These include areas like financial services, public relations, education, airline services, hospitals, and many others.

Experts have stated that Anonymous Sudan doesn’t appear to pursue financial gains. Instead, their only motive revolves around making ideological or political statements, often both.

The group’s main MO also paints it in a more decentralized manner, unlike most hacktivist groups. This makes it even more difficult to decipher its ranks and internal structure.

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