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NoName’s Italian Job Claims 3 More

Miklos Zoltan

By Miklos Zoltan . 19 February 2024

Founder - Privacy Affairs

Alex Popa

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NoName adds 3 more victims on its Italian list. This time, the fallen ones are Sinfomar, Guardia di Finanza, and the National Commission for companies and stock exchange. What’s worse is that NoName’s campaign against Italy isn’t anywhere close to end.

  • These recent attacks follow NoName’s already set trend of hitting both public and private institutions
  • However, NoName seems to prioritize governmental entities in an attempt to add more weight to its political statement
  • As stated in the original post, these attacks are the result of Italy supporting Ukraine in the Ruso-Ukrainian war
  • NoName stated that it will not stop until Italy withdraws its support for the Ukrainian government

Italy has been under heavy fire from the infamous cybercriminal organization and the attacks have increased in intensity lately. As reports show, NoName performs several attacks per day against various Italian targets.

Some succeed, some do not, but NoName isn’t interested in accuracy and effectiveness. Rather, it’s interested in volume. As NoName’s doctrine dictates, the organization uses the spray-and-pray MO, which relies on hitting multiple targets simultaneously.

X showing the NoName attack on the Italian websites

The group’s goal is to disrupt their targets’ operations as much as possible and cause financial damages along the way. In this sense, even mild attacks can often produce meaningful effects if they repeat over a short period.

NoName uses affiliates and collaborates with several high-end pro-Russian cybercriminal groups to inflict even more damage. The extra manpower allows the group to research multiple potential targets at once and conduct bulk operations.

What Does NoName Want?

NoName is one of the most famous pro-Russian cybercriminal organizations in the world. The group came out publicly shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine, which led many to believe it is a state-funded entity.

It doesn’t take much to understand NoName’s goals, because the cybercriminal group itself stated them plainly and clearly. In their original post, NoName detailed their intent to attack anyone who they perceived to be a threat to the Russian government.

It then immediately began attacking Ukrainian public institutions, including mass-media organizations. The attacks then expanded outside the Ukrainian borders, reaching all the way into the US. From then on, NoName has been hitting all of Ukraine’s allies.

As subsequent investigations have shown, NoName isn’t interested in financial gains. On the contrary, it seems to be well-funded, which explains its outstanding resourcefulness and global reach.

As extensive reports suggest, NoName has a daily victim tab of 5-15 potential victims, which they research for vulnerabilities and this happens daily. It is, then, no surprise that the organization has been so prolific and dangerous so far.

Furthermore, it appears that NoName’s internal structure is highly militarized. Insider leaks point at a military-style discipline and strict regulations. They research targets, assign tasks, build reports, and keep tabs of their activity and results.

This type of organization and logistics allows NoName to remain one of the most active, dangerous, and impenetrable cybercriminal groups in the world. And there’s no telling what the future has in store.

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