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  • NoName Keeps Bashing Denmark With 8 New Confirmed Victims

NoName Keeps Bashing Denmark With 8 New Confirmed Victims

Miklos Zoltan

By Miklos Zoltan . 26 February 2024

Founder - Privacy Affairs

Alex Popa

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The pro-Russian NoName cybercriminal ring announced multiple Danish victims recently. In total, 8 targets have been infiltrated. At this point, it is unclear how much damage the hackers have managed to inflict.

  • The Danish government is expected to comment on the recent event, given the scale of the attack
  • NoName justified the attack as punishment for Denmark’s continuous military and humanitarian support to Ukraine
  • The Danish government announced the delivery of an additional batch of tanks for 2024
  • It also detailed a 1.8-billion-euro support plan stretching over the span of 5 years until 2028

The NoName PR published evidence of the attack and stated that the attacks would continue as planned. This recent operation is part of a relentless operation against Denmark and all of Ukraine’s supporters over the last 2 years.

According to the latest statistics, NoName is currently the most well-funded, dangerous, and most active DDoS operator in the world. They’ve risen to power very fast after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and managed to take the world by storm.

X showing the NoName attack on the Danish websites

As NoName’s typical MO shows, the organization isn’t interested in inflicting heavy damages unless justified. In general, though, they prefer to stick to the trademark hit-and-run technique, prioritizing safety and time and money management over effects.

The group’s self-stated goal is to “cause panic, keep enemies on their toes, and expose their weaknesses.” However, there have been cases where NoName used its full capacity to cause extensive damage.

One such case was the breach against the American ITT company, and that’s not the only one.

What Does NoName Want?

The pro-Russian organization emerged in March of 2022, shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine. They immediately stated their support for Moscow’s regime and went on to infiltrate several Ukrainian targets.

These included mass media sites, along with a number of public and private institutions. NoName focused its attention on high-value targets that could influence Ukraine’s ability to resist the Russian will.

It wasn’t long before the hackers decided to move their attention to Ukraine’s allies. The 2022-2023 map showcases numerous attacks against several states. These include Denmark, Italy, Poland, Germany, the US, Estonia, Lithuania, and others.

Most importantly, NoName never changes targets after one or even several attacks. Instead, they prefer to pummel their victims relentlessly for a week or even more in some cases. This is the case with Denmark today and Italy not long back.

A recent report showcased that NoName conducts its operations in a military manner and that the operations have a clear attack map. They have multiple potential targets to work with and effectively conduct more than a dozen breaches every day.

According to anonymous sources, the group seeks to infiltrate between 5 and 15 targets per day, oftentimes from different states. This tactic allows NoName to confuse law enforcement agencies while spreading terror and panic among potential targets.

It’s unclear when the attacks on Denmark will stop, but NoName doesn’t seem eager to let it go.

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